Monday, November 25, 2013

Over the River and Through the Woods

Holiday Travel Safety Tips for Wherever You Go 

By Kelly Norton, Volunteer Contributor 

The holidays are the most wonderful time of the year, but they're also the busiest - especially for the roads, rails, and skies.

As travelers embark on their Thanksgiving journeys this week, make sure your holiday travel is safe and stress-free:

By Road
  • According to the US Department of Transportation, about 91% of long-distance holiday travel is by personal vehicle, such as a car. With so many people on the roads, make sure you're paying full attention. Avoid distractions by not using your cell phone while driving and keeping your radio volume low
  • Give your car a thorough check before you hit the road. Fill up on gas and check the air pressure in the tires as well as the windshield fluid
  • Obey the rules of the road especially the speed limit
  • Also, buckle up at all times
  • Take breaks and rotate drivers if needed
  • Make sure to turn on the car's headlights when the sun starts to set
  • Look up directions ahead of time and designate someone as navigator who will assist the driver
  • Be respectful of your fellow drivers! It's the holiday season after all!
By Rail and Air
  • 25.1 million people are projected to fly over the holidays according to Airlines for America. So help everything go smoothly by obeying the rules
  • Listen to conductors, flights attendants, and pilots
  • Wash your hands frequently. Many travelers mean many germs. Bring hand sanitzer with you if you can
  • When waiting for a train, stay a safe distance away from the tracks
  • Label all of your suitcases and make sure you don't forget any personal belongings under or over your seat
Fun Travel Tips
  • For a long car ride, make a holiday playlist in advance, getting input from everyone who will be in the car. Having great songs to sing along to will make the trip faster and everyone will have contributed
  • Have extra bubble wrap lying around? Make a fun travel game to play on your trip!
  • Keep a travel journal and write down funny quotes or stories that happen along the way

Safe travels!!

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