My New Year's Resolutions
By Squiggy the Squirrel
Happy 2014 everyone! I'm excited for the year ahead and to share more stories and tips with you. I thought long and hard about my resolutions for the new year and I'm confident I came up with a good list!
- Master the art of cupcake making. I promise I'll share! I'm thinking my first batch should be Red (Cross) Velvet.
- Donate Blood. This is the gift that keeps on giving. More than 40,000 blood donations are needed every day and I want to help out! I can even schedule my donation online.
- Read War and Peace. I can get through 1,296 pages pretty fast, right?
- Take a Red Cross training course. Did you know that each year more than 9 million people take a skills class through the Red Cross, including First Aid, AED, and CPR training? I want to try a new one this year to gain new skills. Search for a class today!
- Learn to juggle. I do enjoy the circus! And I think this would be a lot of fun!
- Check my smoke alarms frequently. To practice fire safety skills, I'm going to use the test button to check each smoke alarm in my tree house once a month. I'll also frequently check the batteries in the smoke alarms.
- Visit a new state. There are a few that I would love to visit. Maybe I should go to California this year?
- Donate coins. I have a jar in my room full of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. I'm going to count them all and donate the money to Red Cross. Helping others in need is a great way to kick of 2014!
Did you make any New Year's resolutions? What goals do you have for 2014?
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