Thursday, August 28, 2014

So You Started the School Year. Now What?

By Sarah Oldham, Volunteer Contributor

You've prepped for that first day back at school - from the outfit you wore to the friends you sat with at lunch. But you're school year's just starting and there's a lot of work ahead of you. Now what? 

Goal Setting

I've set myself several goals for this school year to make far-reaching and intelligent decisions. concentrate on studying, and have a healthy social life. As I look forward to the school's seasoned events, like Homecoming and the football games, my objective is to meet new people and stay safe. Additionally, it's not a bad idea to get to know my teachers and not hold back on getting extra help when needed. What personal goals will you set?


Being a 16-year-old teenager, driving has become a large priority. It's very common to come across teen drivers that aren't cautious. Since I'll begin to drive on my own starting in October, I'm making it a huge priority to drive with awareness and watch out for other teen drivers this school year. Whether it's driving safety or something else, it's important to set your priorities for the year ahead. 

Extracurricular Activities & Future Plans

As an upcoming junior, this year I'll be facing several challenges, such as test preparation and college level classes. To equip myself for this school year, in addition to volunteering with the Red Cross I've also become a member of the National Society of High School Scholars (NSHSS), started SAT practice, and volunteer tutoring. It's vital to me that I experiment with various types of activities, like leadership clubs and Best Buddies. These activities are not only helpful for college admittance, but can also help guide you in deciding what you want to do in the future. Explore all the opportunities that are out there. You never know where they'll lead you!

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