Monday, June 18, 2018

What to know before you go: Tips for a first-time blood donor

The American Red Cross recently launched the Missing Types campaign to raise awareness of the need for new blood donors – and those who haven’t given in a while – to donate and help ensure lifesaving blood is available for patients in need. During the campaign, A’s, B’s and O’s – representing the main blood groups – have gone missing from signage, websites, social media and other public-facing platforms to illustrate the critical role every blood donor plays.

The message is clear, donors are needed now to help fill the gaps. If you’ve never donated before or haven’t in a while, now is the time to make an appointment to give.

If you’re nervous, have no fear, the Red Cross has 6 simple tips to get you ready for a successful donation experience:

1. Make an appointment time that’s convenient for your schedule.
2. Get a good night’s sleep.
3. Hydrate – drink plenty of water.
4. Eat a healthy meal including iron-rich foods.
5. Complete a RapidPass to speed up the donation process.
6. Relax and remember you’re helping save lives!

Still feeling a little hesitant? 
Give your confidence a boost by hearing Red Cross pros share their tips to prepare. You can do this! 

Ready to become a Red Cross blood donor, and join the #MissingType movement?  
1. Schedule your appointment at or with the Blood Donor App.
2. Encourage a friend or family member to roll up a sleeve too.
3. Spread the word!

  • Take a photo with a selfie sign and post it to your social media along with the message “I am the #MissingType.” 
  • Write out your name with the A’s, B’s and O’s missing on the “blank” selfie sign, and take a photo with it. (Underscores are recommended. Example: _meric_n Red Cr_ss)
  • Visit to share a Missing Types message on your social media.

Remember, without A, B and O, we can’t save anybody.

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