Friday, March 8, 2019

International Women’s Day with Clara Barton

By Hailie Duenkel, Volunteer

March 8th marks International Women’s Day, meaning we get another reason to celebrate our leading lady, Clara Barton.

Story & Content - By Joseph Collins, Infinite Fire

Born Clarissa Harlowe Barton in 1821, Clara began developing her love of philanthropic endeavors early on. At 24 years old, she founded a school for children of workers at her brother’s mill, and soon after, established the first free school for all in the United States.

Story & Content - By Joseph Collins, Infinite Fire

When the Civil War begun, Clara made it her mission to bring supplies to Union soldiers where they needed it most. This meant she was often on the front lines at major battles in South Carolina, Maryland, and Virginia. Because of her courageous and selfless spirit, she soon acquired the nickname “Angel of the Battlefield”. She promptly made head nurse, and went on to aid in humanitarian efforts like transitioning slaves on their road to freedom, and locating missing soldiers.

In 1869, Clara traveled to Switzerland and stumbled upon the International Committee of the Red Cross – a program designed to ensure protection and support for victims during war times and disaster areas. Clara made it her goal to bring this program back to the states.

The American Red Cross was established in 1881, where Clara served as president attending international meetings, helping the poor, and aiding in wars and national disasters. In 1904, she created the National First Aid Association of America – an organization that established first aid kits and spearheaded emergency preparedness. Clara served as president until she resigned in 1904 at the age of 83.

Clara Barton’s legacy as a pioneer for philanthropic efforts in the United States and being a trailblazing activist for women’s rights makes her an idea role model for International Women’s Day. She broke down barriers for women of the time, and led by example to create new standards of volunteer service.

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