Friday, March 8, 2019

Why We Celebrate International Women’s Day

By Tanesha Hayes, Volunteer

When we celebrate International Women’s Day, we’re also cheering for women of the future! In the past, hundreds of women created their own path to achieve the unthinkable and break barriers imposed by naysayers. It’s because of those brave women that today’s women continue to set their own limits. The sacrifices made by women in the past allow us to accomplish anything we’re passionate about - like running for office in the 2019 presidential election!

Throughout history, we have learned about hard-working and remarkable women who have created legacies that impact the world to this very day. Clarissa Harlowe Barton, better known as Clara Barton, is one of those women!

Why are we celebrating Clara Barton for International Women’s Day?
I’m glad you asked! Clara devoted the entirety of her life to finding ways to help others. She nursed her sick brother back to health at age 11 and there, she found her passion. This led to her becoming a compassionate nurse and school teacher who always cared for others. Before she founded the Red Cross in 1881, Clara was known as “The Angel of the Battlefield”. That is because she risked her life many times to save wounded soldiers throughout the Civil War. She brought relief and hope to the battlefield. She founded the Red Cross soon after the war ended. Today, the Red Cross provides national and international disaster relief and mitigation worldwide.

How does Clara Barton affect women today?
That’s another great question! When Clara founded the Red Cross, I can almost be certain she had hope that the organization would become something bigger than herself. Today, the Red Cross not only provides worldwide disaster relief but it gives many women the opportunity to give back to their communities through doing what they love! For instance, I’m writing this post, aren’t I?

Many women give back to the world through the Red Cross using their passion of nursing, teaching, fundraising, childcare, engineering, disaster response and many other skills - there’s something for everyone here! Clara’s legacy of selflessness and devotion continues to live through the Red Cross. This is why we’re celebrating Clara Barton for International Women’s Day!

To learn more about how you can help support the Red Cross as a volunteer, visit!

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