Friday, June 1, 2018

Hurricane Season Safety - Be Red Cross Ready

Written by Carly Flumer, Volunteer

June marks the beginning of Hurricane Season, and it’s important to be Red Cross Ready no matter what coast you live on. 

This means:
  • Assembling an emergency preparedness kit, consisting of water, non-perishable food, a flashlight, as battery-powered or hand-cranked radio, extra batteries, a first aid kit and any medications, sanitation and hygiene items, cell phones with chargers, and personal documents that include important contact information
  • Creating a household evacuation plan that determines how to prepare and respond in case of an emergency, including the various responsibilities of each family member. Don’t forget your pets!
  • Staying up-to-date on your community’s response plan
  • Educating yourself and family members on how to use the Safe and Well website, which includes information about getting immediate assistance and contacting loved ones
  • Downloading the Emergency App for iPhone or Android
 Additionally, right before a hurricane occurs, protect your family, pets, and home by:
  • Finding an NOAA radio station in your area
  • Keeping all personal documents and valuables in a lock-safe box
  • Assemble an emergency kit for your pet that includes sturdy leashes or carriers, food, drinking water, medications, and current photos of them in case they get lost
  • Protecting windows with storm shutters
  • Identifying a place to store any lawn furniture, tools, and trash cans to prevent them from being tossed by extreme winds
  • Clear clogged rain gutters to prevent flooding and pressure on the awnings
  • REMEMBER: Standard homeowners insurance doesn’t cover flooding, but flood insurance does.

Hurricane Season starts on June 1 and runs until November 30. For more information on hurricane safety, visit: 

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